Sunday, January 6, 2008

I Quit Smoking - Day One

I have decided to quit smoking today. I made the decision to do this about 3 days ago. I have been sick with a cold for almost 2 months, and I can't stand it anymore. I'm hoping that quitting will help both my short term illness, and my long term health. I'm 26 years old and I've been a smoker for at least 12 years. I have smoked for longer than that, but it became more of a permanent structure in my life when I was 14. I figure that 12 years is long enough, and I am finished with cigarettes having control over me. I've had it.

So today I woke up, smoked my last cigarette, (I had one left over from yesterday and couldn't see throwing it away. Especially since I knew that it wouldn't take long before I'd dig it out of the garbage anyway. I know, disgusting.) and then I ate some breakfast, took a shower and applied a nicotine patch to my lower back.

For me, the patches are amazing. I tried them once before and they worked really well. I know what you're thinking... "If they worked so well, why are you using them again?" They should have taken care of the problem then, right? Well, I wasn't totally ready to quit then, and stopped using the patches too early. Once I did that, I was an instant failure and went straight back to my half a pack a day habit.

I really want to do it this time. So I'm hoping that posting to this blog will help me along with the patch and any other resources I might stumble across. So wish me luck! It'll be a long road ahead.

1 comment:

MATINA said...

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